This is a list of the intentionally created green spaces and wooded areas which are under threat as well as those unique
buildings and urban areas which are under threat
Willen Lake. Threat: MKP wants willen south to be a densely built lake-fronting residential estate as opposed to the beutiful
leisure area and recreation space that it currently is and was always meant to be.
CMK. Threat: Loss of unique building. The proposed shopping centre redevelopment is a good idea in principal but the exterior
appearence of the building must be retained. This is pivotal to the character of the city. Additionally the proposed expansion
brings the building too close to Midsummer Boulevard.
CMK. Threat: Loss of trees. The current plans to build up to all of the city centre boulevards and gates will result in
thousands of mature trees being lost.
CMK. Threat: Loss of exceptionally beautiful stretch of planting on the CMK side of the V8/B4034.
The Bowl. Threat: Over-intensification of this public space if the current redevelopment plans go ahead. Note this plan
is now under re-consideration.
Campbell Park: Threat: Loss of part of the park as some masterplans show development north of Avebury Boulevard at
the Junction with Overgate. Also the proposed buildings may if extremely tall trees are not planted along them inflict on
the current views from the park's viewing point.